Tuesday, October 23, 2012


泵                               pump
阀                                valve
机座                             base parts
轴套                             sleeve
带轮                             belt wheel
法兰盘、凸缘               flange
压盖                             gland
端盖                             end cover
拨叉                             transmission fork
阀杆                             valve handle
杠杆                             pry bar
铸造工艺                      casting processes
铸造、铸件                   casting
砂型铸造                       sand casting
型腔(空穴)                cavity
起模斜度                       draft or draught
铸件缺陷                       casting defect
缩孔                              shrinkage cavity
收缩裂纹(缝)            shrinkage crack
铸(浇)口                    pouring head
冒(溢出)口                 overflow
铸造(内)圆角             fillet
外圆角                           round
过渡线                             run-out line
壁厚                              section (wall) thickness
凸台                              boss club
凹坑                              recessed surface
设计基准                      design datum
工艺基准                      process datum
主要基准                      primary datum
次要基准                      secondary datum
辅助基准                      assistant datum
表面粗糙度                  surface roughness
轮廓算术平均偏差    contour arithmetic mean deviation
不平度十点高度           ten-point height average
轮廓最大高度               maximum contour height
机加工工艺                  machining processes
镀覆                           plating
涂覆                           coating
表面处理                   surface treatment
粗车                           rough turning
粗刨                           rough planning
粗铣                           rough milling
精车                           fine turning
精铣                           fine milling
精刨                           fine planning
精拉                           fine broaching
精镗                           fine boring
精磨                          fine grinding
研磨                           grinding
抛光                            polishing
超级精细研磨              super fine grinding
镗孔                           boring
抛光                           politure
去毛刺                        deburring
沉孔、埋头孔                   countersink
锥形沉孔、埋头孔             countersunk hole
阶梯沉孔、埋头孔                counterbore hole            

Monday, August 20, 2012

On Temperature Coefficient Unit ppm/°C

Since ppm is an abbreviation for "part per million", here is an intuitive interpretation:
A resistor that has 100ppm/°C as its temperature coefficient means that
Once the temperature rises above or drops below the specified temperature range, 100 parts per million will deviate from the nominal value with every 1°C temperature increase or decrease.
It seems plausible but unfortunately wrong. The correct interpretation is:
1 ppm/°C means that the value of the component changes by 1 millionth (or 1e-4%) per degree.
Therefore, a capacitor that has 1000 ppm/°C changes its value by 6% from 25°C to 85°C.
It's obvious the the use of the unit "ppm" causes great confusion. I suppose it's again a legacy issue.

The Ultimate Character Code

There may come a time when you want to type exotic characters directly from keyboard. For example, while designing circuits the character µ and Ω are often used. However different OS has different code systems, and even different programs under the same OS have different code systems . The following website has an extensive list which matches my OS.


Since the website above operates under creative commons, I can safely port everything here:

Ultimate Cool Characters

Here you will find a wealth of special characters not found on your keyboard. Ever wanted to know how to make an "i" with those two little dots above it? How about a multiplication sign? A heart? A smiley face? A bunch of different letters with squiggly things under them? Ỹổů’ṽẻ čøm̉ę ŧỡ ţĥë ŕıġħť p̀łắĉễ.
Unlike most similar lists, Ultimate Cool Characters has more than just those so-called alt codes that we all know so well. It was painstakingly compiled to include a whole lot of weird characters that you have probably never seen before. Feel free to use any of them in your web pages and documents. After all, I didn't make these up; I just compiled them.
Before going to the trouble of memorizing some of these codes, make sure you aren't using an "International" keyboard layout that makes the typing of special characters much easier (usually through the use of the AltGr key, defined to be the right Alt key, or something similar).
Here's a printer-friendly version... just make sure you have several dozen pages and plenty of ink. Print Preview is your friend.
Be sure to check out Joshua McGee's Diacritic Decoration, which turns ordinary text into accented characters from this page.
If you like this list of cool alt codes, why not check out my interesting blog?

How To Use These Characters

On web pages

Enter the Name Code or Number Code where you want the character to appear. For combining diacritical marks, enter the Number Code for the desired mark immediately after the character you would like to add it to.

On Windows

While holding the Alt key, press the numbers of the Alt Code on your computer's numeric keypad. Microsoft Word allows other options: you can type the Character Code and press Alt-X, or you can enter the Shortcut Key.

On Linux (GNOME)

While holding Ctrl and Shift, press U followed by the Character Code (with or without leading zeroes). On versions of GNOME prior to 2.16 or so, omit the U. This combination works in GTK applications only.

On Linux (KDE)

Not sure. Is this how?

On Mac OS X

Enter the Accent Code. For example, "Option + u, o" means hold Option and U at the same time, then let go and press O.



CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ÀCapital A with graveAlt + 019200C0ÀÀCtrl + ` + Shift + aOption + `, A
àLowercase a with graveAlt + 133
Alt + 0224
00E0ààCtrl + ` + aOption + `, a
ÁCapital A with acuteAlt + 019300C1ÁÁCtrl + ' + Shift + aOption + e, A
áLowercase a with acuteAlt + 160
Alt + 0225
00E1ááCtrl + ' + aOption + e, a
ÂCapital A with circumflexAlt + 019400C2ÂÂCtrl + Shift + 6 + aOption + i, A
âLowercase a with circumflexAlt + 131
Alt + 0226
00E2ââCtrl + Shift + 6, aOption + i, a
ÃCapital A with tildeAlt + 019500C3ÃÃCtrl + Shift + ` + aOption + n, A
ãLowercase a with tildeAlt + 022700E3ããCtrl + Shift + `, aOption + n, a
ÄCapital A with umlautAlt + 142
Alt + 0196
00C4ÄÄCtrl + Shift + ; + aOption + u, A
äLowercase a with umlautAlt + 132
Alt + 0228
00E4ääCtrl + Shift + ;, aOption + u, a
ÅCapital A with ring aboveAlt + 143
Alt + 0197
00C5ÅÅCtrl + Shift + 2 + aOption + Shift + a
åLowercase a with ring aboveAlt + 134
Alt + 0229
00E5ååCtrl + Shift + 2, aOption + a
ĀCapital A with macronAlt + 02560100 Ā  
āLowercase a with macronAlt + 02570101 ā  
ĂCapital A with breveAlt + 02580102 Ă  
ăLowercase a with breveAlt + 02590103 ă  
ĄCapital A with ogonekAlt + 02600104 Ą  
ąLowercase a with ogonekAlt + 02610105 ą  
ǍCapital A with caronAlt + 046101CD Ǎ  
ǎLowercase a with caronAlt + 046201CE ǎ  
ǺCapital A with ring above and acuteAlt + 050601FA Ǻ  
ǻLowercase a with ring above and acuteAlt + 050701FB ǻ  
Capital A with dot belowAlt + 78401EA0   
Lowercase a with dot belowAlt + 78411EA1   
Capital A with hook aboveAlt + 78421EA2   
Lowercase a with hook aboveAlt + 78431EA3   
Capital A with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78441EA4   
Lowercase a with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78451EA5   
Capital A with circumflex and graveAlt + 78461EA6   
Lowercase a with circumflex and graveAlt + 78471EA7   
Capital A with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78481EA8   
Lowercase a with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78491EA9   
Capital A with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78501EAA   
Lowercase a with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78511EAB   
Capital A with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78521EAC   
Lowercase a with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78531EAD   
Capital A with breve and acuteAlt + 78541EAE   
Lowercase a with breve and acuteAlt + 78551EAF   
Capital A with breve and graveAlt + 78561EB0   
Lowercase a with breve and graveAlt + 78571EB1   
Capital A with breve and hook aboveAlt + 78581EB2   
Lowercase a with breve and hook aboveAlt + 78591EB3   
Capital A with breve and tildeAlt + 78601EB4   
Lowercase a with breve and tildeAlt + 78611EB5   
Capital A with breve and dot belowAlt + 78621EB6   
Lowercase a with breve and dot belowAlt + 78631EB7   


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ÇCapital C with cedillaAlt + 128
Alt + 0199
00C7ÇÇCtrl + , + Shift + cOption + Shift + c
çLowercase c with cedillaAlt + 135
Alt + 0231
00E7ççCtrl + Shift + 6, aOption + c
ĆCapital C with acuteAlt + 02620106 Ć  
ćLowercase c with acuteAlt + 02630107 ć  
ĈCapital C with circumflexAlt + 02640108 Ĉ  
ĉLowercase c with circumflexAlt + 02650109 ĉ  
ĊCapital C with dot aboveAlt + 0266010A Ċ  
ċLowercase c with dot aboveAlt + 0267010B ċ  
ČCapital C with caronAlt + 0268010C Č  
čLowercase c with caronAlt + 0269010D č  


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ĎCapital D with caronAlt + 0270010E Ď  
ďLowercase d with caronAlt + 0271010F ď  
ĐCapital D with strokeAlt + 02720110 Đ  
đLowercase d with strokeAlt + 02730111 đ  


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ÈCapital E with graveAlt + 020000C8ÈÈCtrl + ` + Shift + eOption + `, E
èLowercase e with graveAlt + 138
Alt + 0232
00E8èèCtrl + ` + eOption + `, e
ÉCapital E with acuteAlt + 144
Alt + 0201
00C9ÉÉCtrl + ' + Shift + eOption + e, E
éLowercase e with acuteAlt + 130
Alt + 0233
00E9ééCtrl + ' + eOption + e, e
ÊCapital E with circumflexAlt + 020200CAÊÊCtrl + Shift + 6 + eOption + i, E
êLowercase e with circumflexAlt + 136
Alt + 0234
00EAêêCtrl + Shift + 6, eOption + i, e
ËCapital E with umlautAlt + 020300CBËËCtrl + Shift + ; + eOption + u, E
ëLowercase e with umlautAlt + 137
Alt + 0235
00EBëëCtrl + Shift + ;, eOption + u, e
ĒCapital E with macronAlt + 02740112 Ē  
ēLowercase e with macronAlt + 02750113 ē  
ĔCapital E with breveAlt + 02760114 Ĕ  
ĕLowercase e with breveAlt + 02770115 ĕ  
ĖCapital E with dot aboveAlt + 02780116 Ė  
ėLowercase e with dot aboveAlt + 02790117 ė  
ĘCapital E with ogonekAlt + 02800118 Ę  
ęLowercase e with ogonekAlt + 02810119 ę  
ĚCapital E with caronAlt + 0282011A Ě  
ěLowercase e with caronAlt + 0283011B ě  
Capital E with dot belowAlt + 78641EB8   
Lowercase e with dot belowAlt + 78651EB9   
Capital E with hook aboveAlt + 78661EBA   
Lowercase e with hook aboveAlt + 78671EBB   
Capital E with tildeAlt + 78681EBC   
Lowercase e with tildeAlt + 78691EBD   
Capital E with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78701EBE   
ếLowercase e with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78711EBF ế  
Capital E with circumflex and graveAlt + 78721EC0   
Lowercase e with circumflex and graveAlt + 78731EC1   
Capital E with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78741EC2   
Lowercase e with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78751EC3   
Capital E with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78761EC4   
Lowercase e with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78771EC5   
Capital E with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78781EC6   
Lowercase e with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78791EC7   


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ƒLowercase f with hookAlt + 159
Alt + 0402
0192 ƒ  


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ĜCapital G with circumflexAlt + 0284011C Ĝ  
ĝLowercase g with circumflexAlt + 0285011D ĝ  
ĞCapital G with breveAlt + 0286011E Ğ  
ğLowercase g with breveAlt + 0287011F ğ  
ĠCapital G with dot aboveAlt + 02880120 Ġ  
ġLowercase g with dot aboveAlt + 02890121 ġ  
ĢCapital G with cedillaAlt + 02900122 Ģ  
ģLowercase g with cedillaAlt + 02910123 ģ  


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ĤCapital H with circumflexAlt + 02920124 Ĥ  
ĥLowercase h with circumflexAlt + 02930125 ĥ  
ĦCapital H with strokeAlt + 02940126 Ħ  
ħLowercase h with strokeAlt + 02950127 ħ  


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ÌCapital I with graveAlt + 020400CCÌÌCtrl + ` + Shift + iOption + `, I
ìLowercase i with graveAlt + 141
Alt + 0236
00ECììCtrl + ` + iOption + `, i
ÍCapital I with acuteAlt + 020500CDÍÍCtrl + ' + Shift + iOption + e, I
íLowercase i with acuteAlt + 161
Alt + 0237
00EDííCtrl + ' + iOption + e, i
ÎCapital I with circumflexAlt + 020600CEÎÎCtrl + Shift + 6 + iOption + i, I
îLowercase i with circumflexAlt + 140
Alt + 0238
00EEîîCtrl + Shift + 6, iOption + i, i
ÏCapital I with umlautAlt + 020700CFÏÏCtrl + Shift + ; + iOption + u, I
ïLowercase i with umlautAlt + 139
Alt + 0239
00EFïïCtrl + Shift + ;, iOption + u, i
ĨCapital I with tildeAlt + 02960128 Ĩ  
ĩLowercase i with tildeAlt + 02970129 ĩ  
ĪCapital I with macronAlt + 0298012A Ī  
īLowercase i with macronAlt + 0299012B ī  
ĬCapital I with breveAlt + 0300012C Ĭ  
ĭLowercase i with breveAlt + 0301012D ĭ  
ĮCapital I with ogonekAlt + 0302012E Į  
įLowercase i with ogonekAlt + 0303012F į  
İCapital I with dot aboveAlt + 03040130 İ  
ıLowercase dotless iAlt + 03050131 ı  
ǏCapital I with caronAlt + 046301CF Ǐ  
ǐLowercase i with caronAlt + 046401D0 ǐ  
Capital I with hook aboveAlt + 78801EC8   
Lowercase i with hook aboveAlt + 78811EC9   
Capital I with dot belowAlt + 78821ECA   
Lowercase i with dot belowAlt + 78831ECB   


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ĴCapital J with circumflexAlt + 03080134 Ĵ  
ĵLowercase j with circumflexAlt + 03090135 ĵ  


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ĶCapital K with cedillaAlt + 03100136 Ķ  
ķLowercase k with cedillaAlt + 03110137 ķ  


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ĹCapital L with acuteAlt + 03130139 Ĺ  
ĺLowercase l with acuteAlt + 0314013A ĺ  
ĻCapital L with cedillaAlt + 0315013B Ļ  
ļLowercase l with cedillaAlt + 0316013C ļ  
ĽCapital L with caronAlt + 0317013D Ľ  
ľLowercase l with caronAlt + 0318013E ľ  
ĿCapital L with middle dotAlt + 0319013F Ŀ  
ŀLowercase l with middle dotAlt + 03200140 ŀ  
ŁCapital L with strokeAlt + 03210141 Ł  
łLowercase l with strokeAlt + 03220142 ł  
Script lowercase lAlt + 84672113   


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ÑCapital N with tildeAlt + 165
Alt + 0209
00D1ÑÑCtrl + Shift + ` + nOption + n, N
ñLowercase n with tildeAlt + 164
Alt + 0241
00F1ññCtrl + Shift + `, nOption + n, n
ŃCapital N with acuteAlt + 03230143 Ń  
ńLowercase n with acuteAlt + 03240144 ń  
ŅCapital N with cedillaAlt + 03250145 Ņ  
ņLowercase n with cedillaAlt + 03260146 ņ  
ŇCapital N with caronAlt + 03270147 Ň  
ňLowercase n with caronAlt + 03280148 ň  
ʼnLowercase n preceded by
Alt + 03290149 ʼn  


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ÒCapital O with graveAlt + 021000D2ÒÒCtrl + ` + Shift + oOption + `, O
òLowercase o with graveAlt + 149
Alt + 0242
00F2òòCtrl + ` + oOption + `, o
ÓCapital O with acuteAlt + 021100D3ÓÓCtrl + ' + Shift + oOption + e, O
óLowercase o with acuteAlt + 162
Alt + 0243
00F3óóCtrl + ` + oOption + e, o
ÔCapital O with circumflexAlt + 021200D4ÔÔCtrl + Shift + 6 + oOption + i, O
ôLowercase o with circumflexAlt + 147
Alt + 0244
00F4ôôCtrl + Shift + 6, oOption + i, o
ÕCapital O with tildeAlt + 021300D5ÕÕCtrl + Shift + ` + oOption + n, O
õLowercase o with tildeAlt + 024500F5õõCtrl + Shift + `, oOption + n, o
ÖCapital O with umlautAlt + 153
Alt + 0214
00D6ÖÖCtrl + Shift + ; + oOption + u, O
öLowercase o with umlautAlt + 148
Alt + 0246
00F6ööCtrl + Shift + ;, oOption + u, o
ØCapital O with slashAlt + 021600D8ØØCtrl + / + Shift + oOption + Shift + o
øLowercase o with slashAlt + 024800F8øøCtrl + / + oOption + o
ŌCapital O with macronAlt + 0332014C Ō  
ōLowercase o with macronAlt + 0333014D ō  
ŎCapital O with breveAlt + 0334014E Ŏ  
ŏLowercase o with breveAlt + 0335014F ŏ  
ŐCapital O with double acuteAlt + 03360150 Ő  
őLowercase o with double acuteAlt + 03370151 ő  
ƠCapital O with hornAlt + 041601A0 Ơ  
ơLowercase o with hornAlt + 041701A1 ơ  
ǑCapital O with caronAlt + 046501D1 Ǒ  
ǒLowercase o with caronAlt + 046601D2 ǒ  
ǾCapital O with stroke and acuteAlt + 051001FE Ǿ  
ǿLowercase o with stroke and acuteAlt + 051101FF ǿ  
Capital O with dot belowAlt + 78841ECC   
Lowercase o with dot belowAlt + 78851ECD   
Capital O with hook aboveAlt + 78861ECE   
Lowercase o with hook aboveAlt + 78871ECF   
Capital O with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78881ED0   
Lowercase o with circumflex and acuteAlt + 78891ED1   
Capital O with circumflex and graveAlt + 78901ED2   
Lowercase o with circumflex and graveAlt + 78911ED3   
Capital O with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78921ED4   
Lowercase o with circumflex and hook aboveAlt + 78931ED5   
Capital O with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78941ED6   
Lowercase o with circumflex and tildeAlt + 78951ED7   
Capital O with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78961ED8   
Lowercase o with circumflex and dot belowAlt + 78971ED9   
Capital O with horn and acuteAlt + 78981EDA   
Lowercase o with horn and acuteAlt + 78991EDB   
Capital O with horn and graveAlt + 79001EDC   
Lowercase o with horn and graveAlt + 79011EDD   
Capital O with horn and hook aboveAlt + 79021EDE   
Lowercase o with horn and hook aboveAlt + 79031EDF   
Capital O with horn and tildeAlt + 79041EE0   
Lowercase o with horn and tildeAlt + 79051EE1   
Capital O with horn and dot belowAlt + 79061EE2   
Lowercase o with horn and dot belowAlt + 79071EE3   


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ŔCapital R with acuteAlt + 03400154 Ŕ  
ŕLowercase r with acuteAlt + 03410155 ŕ  
ŖCapital R with cedillaAlt + 03420156 Ŗ  
ŗLowercase r with cedillaAlt + 03430157 ŗ  
ŘCapital R with caronAlt + 03440158 Ř  
řLowercase r with caronAlt + 03450159 ř  


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ŚCapital S with acuteAlt + 0346015A Ś  
śLowercase s with acuteAlt + 0347015B ś  
ŜCapital S with circumflexAlt + 0348015C Ŝ  
ŝLowercase s with circumflexAlt + 0349015D ŝ  
ŞCapital S with cedillaAlt + 0350015E Ş  
şLowercase s with cedillaAlt + 0351015F ş  
ŠCapital S with caronAlt + 03520160 ŠAlt + Ctrl + Shift + 6 + s 
šLowercase s with caronAlt + 03530161 šAlt + Ctrl + Shift + 6, s 


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ŢCapital T with cedillaAlt + 03540162 Ţ  
ţLowercase t with cedillaAlt + 03550163 ţ  
ŤCapital T with caronAlt + 03560164 Ť  
ťLowercase t with caronAlt + 03570165 ť  
ŦCapital T with strokeAlt + 03580166 Ŧ  
ŧLowercase t with strokeAlt + 03590167 ŧ  


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ÙCapital U with graveAlt + 021700D9ÙÙCtrl + ` + Shift + uOption + `, U
ùLowercase u with graveAlt + 151
Alt + 0249
00F9ùùCtrl + ` + uOption + `, u
ÚCapital U with acuteAlt + 021800DAÚÚCtrl + ' + Shift + uOption + e, U
úLowercase u with acuteAlt + 163
Alt + 0250
00F9úúCtrl + ' + uOption + e, u
ÛCapital U with circumflexAlt + 021900DBÛÛCtrl + Shift + 6 + uOption + i, U
ûLowercase u with circumflexAlt + 150
Alt + 0251
00FBûûCtrl + Shift + 6, uOption + i, u
ÜCapital U with umlautAlt + 154
Alt + 0220
00DCÜÜCtrl + Shift + ; + uOption + u, U
üLowercase u with umlautAlt + 129
Alt + 0252
00FCüüCtrl + Shift + ;, uOption + u, u
ŨCapital U with tildeAlt + 03600168 Ũ  
ũLowercase u with tildeAlt + 03610169 ũ  
ŪCapital U with macronAlt + 0362016A Ū  
ūLowercase u with macronAlt + 0363016B ū  
ŬCapital U with breveAlt + 0364016C Ŭ  
ŭLowercase u with breveAlt + 0365016D ŭ  
ŮCapital U with ring aboveAlt + 0366016E Ů  
ůLowercase u with ring aboveAlt + 0367016F ů  
ŰCapital U with double acuteAlt + 03680170 Ű  
űLowercase u with double acuteAlt + 03690171 ű  
ŲCapital U with ogonekAlt + 03700172 Ų  
ųLowercase u with ogonekAlt + 03710173 ų  
ƯCapital U with hornAlt + 043101AF Ư  
ưLowercase u with hornAlt + 043201B0 ư  
ǓCapital U with caronAlt + 046701D3 Ǔ  
ǔLowercase u with caronAlt + 046801D4 ǔ  
ǕCapital U with umlaut and macronAlt + 046901D5 Ǖ  
ǖLowercase u with umlaut and macronAlt + 047001D6 ǖ  
ǗLowercase u with umlaut and macronAlt + 047001D6 ǖ  
ǗCapital U with umlaut and acuteAlt + 047101D7 Ǘ  
ǘLowercase u with umlaut and acuteAlt + 047201D8 ǘ  
ǙCapital U with umlaut and caronAlt + 047301D9 Ǚ  
ǚLowercase u with umlaut and caronAlt + 047401DA ǚ  
ǛCapital U with umlaut and graveAlt + 047501DB Ǜ  
ǜLowercase u with umlaut and graveAlt + 047601DC ǜ  
Capital U with dot belowAlt + 79081EE4   
Lowercase u with dot belowAlt + 79091EE5   
Capital U with hook aboveAlt + 79101EE6   
Lowercase u with hook aboveAlt + 79111EE7   
Capital U with horn and acuteAlt + 79121EE8   
Lowercase u with horn and acuteAlt + 79131EE9   
Capital U with horn and graveAlt + 79141EEA   
Lowercase u with horn and graveAlt + 79151EEB   
Capital U with horn and hook aboveAlt + 79161EEC   
Lowercase u with horn and hook aboveAlt + 79171EED   
Capital U with horn and tildeAlt + 79181EEE   
Lowercase u with horn and tildeAlt + 79191EEF   
Capital U with horn and dot belowAlt + 79201EF0   
Lowercase u with horn and dot belowAlt + 79211EF1   


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ŴCapital W with circumflexAlt + 03720174 Ŵ  
ŵLowercase w with circumflexAlt + 03730175 ŵ  
Capital W with graveAlt + 78081E80   
Lowercase w with graveAlt + 78091E81   
Capital W with acuteAlt + 78101E82   
Lowercase w with acuteAlt + 78111E83   
Capital W with umlautAlt + 78121E84   
Lowercase w with umlautAlt + 78131E85   


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ÝCapital Y with acuteAlt + 022100DDÝÝCtrl + ' + Shift + yOption + e, Y
ýLowercase y with acuteAlt + 025300FDýýCtrl + ' + yOption + e, y
ŸCapital Y with umlautAlt + 03760178 ŸCtrl + Shift + ; + yOption + u, Y
ÿLowercase y with umlautAlt + 152
Alt + 0255
00FFÿÿCtrl + Shift + ;, yOption + u, y
ŶCapital Y with circumflexAlt + 03740176 Ŷ Option + i, Y
ŷLowercase y with circumflexAlt + 03750177 ŷ Option + i, y
Capital Y with graveAlt + 79221EF2  Option + `, Y
Lowercase y with graveAlt + 79231EF3  Option + `, y
Capital Y with dot belowAlt + 79241EF4   
Lowercase y with dot belowAlt + 79251EF5   
Capital Y with hook aboveAlt + 79261EF6   
Lowercase y with hook aboveAlt + 79271EF7   
Capital Y with tildeAlt + 79281EF8   
Lowercase y with tildeAlt + 79291EF9   


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ŹCapital Z with acuteAlt + 03770179 Ź  
źLowercase z with acuteAlt + 0378017A ź  
ŻCapital Z with dot aboveAlt + 0379017B Ż  
żLowercase z with dot aboveAlt + 0380017C ż  
ŽCapital Z with caronAlt + 0381017D Ž  
žLowercase z with caronAlt + 0382017E ž  

Other Letters

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
ÆCapital AEAlt + 146
Alt + 0198
00C6ÆÆCtrl + Shift + 7 + aOption + Shift + '
æLowercase aeAlt + 145
Alt + 0230
00E6ææCtrl + Shift + 7, aOption + '
ǼCapital AE with acuteAlt + 050801FC Ǽ  
ǽLowercase ae with acuteAlt + 050901FD ǽ  
IJCapital IJAlt + 03060132 IJ  
ijLowercase ijAlt + 03070133 ij  
ĸLowercase kraAlt + 03120138 ĸ  
ŊCapital EngAlt + 0330014A Ŋ  
ŋLowercase engAlt + 0331014B ŋ  
ŒCapital OEAlt + 03380152ŒŒCtrl + Shift + 7 + oOption + Shift + q
œLowercase oeAlt + 03390153œœCtrl + Shift + 7, oOption + q
ſLowercase long sAlt + 0383017F ſ  
ßLowercase sharp sAlt + 022300DFßßCtrl + Shift + 7, sOption + s
ƏCapital SchwaAlt + 0399018F Ə  
əLowercase schwaAlt + 06010259 ə  
ÐCapital Eth (Icelandic)Alt + 020800D0ÐÐCtrl + ' + Shift + d 
ðLowercase eth (Icelandic)Alt + 024000F0ððCtrl + ' + d 
ÞCapital Thorn (Icelandic)Alt + 022200DEÞÞ  
þLowercase thorn (Icelandic)Alt + 025400FEþþ  


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
¹Superscript oneAlt + 018500B9¹¹  
²Superscript twoAlt + 253
Alt + 0178
³Superscript threeAlt + 017900B3³³  
½Vulgar fraction one halfAlt + 171
Alt + 0189
Vulgar fraction one thirdAlt + 85312153   
Vulgar fraction two thirdsAlt + 85322154   
¼Vulgar fraction one quarterAlt + 172
Alt + 0188
¾Vulgar fraction three quartersAlt + 019000BE¾¾  
Vulgar fraction one eighthAlt + 8539215B   
Vulgar fraction three eighthsAlt + 8540215C   
Vulgar fraction five eighthsAlt + 8541215D   
Vulgar fraction seven eighthsAlt + 8542215E   


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
Double exclamation markAlt + 19
Alt + 8252
¡Inverted exclamation markAlt + 173
Alt + 0161
00A1¡¡Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1Option + 1
¿Inverted question markAlt + 168
Alt + 0191
00BF¿¿Ctrl + Alt + Shift + /Option + Shift + ?
InterrobangAlt + 8253203D   
Left double quotation markAlt + 0147
Alt + 8220
201C Option + [
Right double quotation markAlt + 0148
Alt + 8221
201D Option + Shift + [
Double low-9 quotation markAlt + 8222201E Option + Shift + w
Left single quotation markAlt + 0145
Alt + 8216
2018 Option + ]
Right single quotation markAlt + 0146
Alt + 8217
2019 Option + Shift + ]
Single low-9 quotation markAlt + 8218201A  
Single high-reversed-9 quotation markAlt + 8219201B   
«Left-pointing double angle quotation markAlt + 174
Alt + 0171
00AB«« Option + \
»Right-pointing double angle quotation markAlt + 175
Alt + 0187
00BB»» Option + Shift + \
Single left-pointing angle quotation markAlt + 0139
Alt + 8249
2039 Option + Shift + 3
Single right-pointing angle quotation markAlt + 0155
Alt + 8250
203A Option + Shift + 4
Horizontal ellipsisAlt + 82302026  Option + ;
En dashAlt + 0150
Alt + 8211
 Option + -
Em dashAlt + 0151
Alt + 8212
 Option + Shift + -
Horizontal barAlt + 82132015   
Double low lineAlt + 82152017   
OverlineAlt + 8254203E  
Zero width non-joinerAlt + 8204200C   
Zero width joinerAlt + 8205200D   

Diacritical Marks

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
¨UmlautAlt + 016800A8¨
¨ Option + Shift + u
¯MacronAlt + 017500AF¯
´AcuteAlt + 018000B4´´Ctrl + ' + Spacebar 
¸CedillaAlt + 018400B8¸¸Ctrl + , + Spacebar 
ˆModifier letter circumflexAlt + 071002C6 ˆCtrl + Shift + 6, Space 
ˇCaronAlt + 071102C7 ˇ  
ˉModifier letter macronAlt + 071302C9 ˉ  
˘BreveAlt + 072802D8 ˘  
˙Dot aboveAlt + 072902D9 ˙  
˚Ring aboveAlt + 073002DA ˚  
˛OgonekAlt + 073102DB ˛  
˜Small tildeAlt + 073202DC ˜  
˝Double acuteAlt + 073302DD ˝  
̀Combining grave accentAlt + 07680300 ̀  
́Combining acute accentAlt + 07690301 ́  
̃Combining tildeAlt + 07710303 ̃  
̉Combining hook aboveAlt + 07770309 ̉  
̣Combining dot belowAlt + 08030323 ̣  

Currency Symbols

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
¢Cent signAlt + 155
Alt + 0162
00A2¢¢Ctrl + / + cOption + 4
£Pound signAlt + 156
Alt + 0163
00A3££ Option + 3
¤General currency signAlt + 016400A4¤¤ Option + Shift + 2
¥Yen signAlt + 157
Alt + 0165
00A5¥¥ Option + y
French franc signAlt + 835520A3   
Lira signAlt + 835620A4   
Peseta signAlt + 158
Alt + 8359
New sheqel signAlt + 836220AA   
Dong signAlt + 836320AB   
Euro signAlt + 0128
Alt + 8364

Miscellaneous Legal and Technical

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
§Section signAlt + 21
Alt + 0167
00A7§§ Option + 6
©Copyright signAlt + 016900A9©©Ctrl + Alt + cOption + g
®Registered trademark signAlt + 017400AE®®Ctrl + Alt + rOption + r
ªFeminine ordinal indicatorAlt + 166
Alt + 0170
00AAªª Option + 9
¬Not signAlt + 170
Alt + 0172
00AC¬¬ Option + l
Reversed not signAlt + 169
Alt + 8976
µMicro signAlt + 018100B5µµ Option + m
DaggerAlt + 01342020 Option + t
Double daggerAlt + 01352021 Option + Shift + 7
Per mille signAlt + 0137
Alt + 8240
2030 Option + Shift + r
PrimeAlt + 82422032   
Double primeAlt + 82432033   
Care ofAlt + 84532105   
Numero signAlt + 84702116   
Trademark signAlt + 0153
Alt + 8482
2122 Option + 2
ΩOhm signAlt + 84862126 Ω Option + z
HouseAlt + 127
Alt + 8962

Shapes and Shading

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
Upper half blockAlt + 223
Alt + 9600
Lower half blockAlt + 220
Alt + 9604
Full blockAlt + 219
Alt + 9608
Left half blockAlt + 221
Alt + 9612
Right half blockAlt + 222
Alt + 9616
Light shadeAlt + 176
Alt + 9617
Medium shadeAlt + 177
Alt + 9618
Dark shadeAlt + 178
Alt + 9619
Black squareAlt + 254
Alt + 9632
White squareAlt + 963325A1   
Black small squareAlt + 964225AA   
White small squareAlt + 964325AB   
Black rectangleAlt + 22
Alt + 9644
Black up-pointing triangleAlt + 30
Alt + 9650
Black right-pointing pointerAlt + 16
Alt + 9658
Black down-pointing triangleAlt + 31
Alt + 9660
Black left-pointing pointerAlt + 17
Alt + 9668
LozengeAlt + 967425CA   
White circleAlt + 9
Alt + 9675
Black circleAlt + 967925CF   
Inverse bulletAlt + 8
Alt + 9688
Inverse white circleAlt + 10
Alt + 9689
White bulletAlt + 970225E6   


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
White smiling faceAlt + 1
Alt + 9786
Black smiling faceAlt + 2
Alt + 214
Alt + 9787
White sun with raysAlt + 15
Alt + 9788
Female signAlt + 12
Alt + 9792
Male signAlt + 11
Alt + 9794
Spade suitAlt + 6
Alt + 9824
Club suitAlt + 5
Alt + 9827
Heart suitAlt + 3
Alt + 9829
Diamond suitAlt + 4
Alt + 9830
Eighth noteAlt + 13
Alt + 9834
Beamed eighth notesAlt + 14
Alt + 9835

Mathematical Symbols

CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
×Multiplication signAlt + 021500D7××  
÷Division signAlt + 246
Alt + 0247
00F7÷÷ Option + /
Minus signAlt + 87222212   
±Plus/minus signAlt + 241
Alt + 0177
00B1±± Option + Shift + =
πGreek lowercase letter pi 03C0ππ
 Option + p
Fraction slashAlt + 82602044   
Superscript lowercase nAlt + 252
Alt + 8319
Estimated symbolAlt + 8494212E   
Partial differentialAlt + 87062202  Option + d
IncrementAlt + 87102206  Option + j
N-ary productAlt + 8719220F   
N-ary summationAlt + 87212211  Option + w
Division slashAlt + 87252215   
Bullet operatorAlt + 250
Alt + 8729
Square rootAlt + 251
Alt + 8730
221A  Option + v
InfinityAlt + 236
Alt + 8734
221E  Option + 5
Right angleAlt + 28
Alt + 8735
IntersectionAlt + 239
Alt + 8745
IntegralAlt + 8747222B  Option + b
Top half integralAlt + 244
Alt + 8992
Bottom half integralAlt + 245
Alt + 8993
Almost equal toAlt + 247
Alt + 8776
2248  Option + x
Not equal toAlt + 88002260   
Identical toAlt + 240
Alt + 8801
Less than or equal toAlt + 243
Alt + 8804
2264  Option + <
Greater than or equal toAlt + 242
Alt + 8805
2265  Option + >


CharacterName of CharacterAlt CodeCharacter CodeName CodeNumber CodeShortcut KeyAccent Code
¦Broken vertical barAlt + 016600A6¦
ºDegree signAlt + 248
Alt + 0176
00B0°° Option + Shift + 8
Paragraph signAlt + 20
Alt + 0182
00B6 Option + 7
·Middle dotAlt + 249
Alt + 0183
00B7·· Option + 8
BulletAlt + 7
Alt + 8226
Leftwards arrowAlt + 27
Alt + 8592
Upwards arrowAlt + 24
Alt + 8593
Rightwards arrowAlt + 26
Alt + 8594
Downwards arrowAlt + 25
Alt + 8595
Left right arrowAlt + 29
Alt + 8596
Up down arrowAlt + 18
Alt + 23
Alt + 8597